Passive/Aggressive mixtape for International Tapes
Two top-notch blogs are presenting a mixtape featuring Thulebasen and The New Spring.
A few words from Passive/Aggressive:
Passive/Aggressive proudly presents a selection of the best new Danish sounds of what, we consider, is some of the finest, most heartfelt and curious music in this rotten kingdom. P/A’s aim is to change the way people talks and especially writes about music in Denmark, and to liberate the classic view on aesthetics in music, to democratize the distribution of music, and really to offer a suitable and valuable though-profitless alternative platform to artists, that takes other routes and go beyond the Danish media system of music. In every modern conception of music listening, everyone is able to enjoy – what could be labeled as; difficult music. So how do we, the people, make this visible and distribute it?
Listen to the mixtape here.