The New Spring's year list 2014!
- Popular music is less important than for example literature. Nevertheless, popular music is still very important
- Popular music has a relatively short history. Study it intensely
- Popular music is closely connected to YOUTH. Stay therefore as YOUNG as you can. Find some YOUNG people and suck the YOUTH out of them
- A popular musician should have long or at least semi-long hair. Grow this
- Popular music is closely connected to the present (2014). This is popular music’s most boring feature. Connect yourself to any other period than the present
- Popular music is closely connected to social media. With a coordinated effort on social media you will reach your SEGMENT and create a hot effect of cool SYNERGY. You are a CONTENTPROVIDER and if you PROVIDE lots of cool CONTENT to the USERS they will answer you with love. That is why you call your segment: The love segment
- Think then of the emotions that should be present in a productive artistic process:
- Disappointment. If you are not a little bit disappointed, it is not good enough. Disappointment comes from a potential
- Embarrassment. If you are not a little bit embarrassed, it is not good enough. Embarrassment comes from a potential
- Excitement. If you are not the least bit excited, it is not good enough. Excitement comes from the joy of life, offshoots
- Humor is important, but not THAT important
- Attitude is important, but not as important as you should think
- Always remember: A song is a very beautiful gift. Even if it’s bad and no one asked for it. The best gifts were never asked for
- The body is a very underestimated starting point for writing a song. Lie down and think of the body:
- Body heat is the finest gift you can give to anyone. If someone gives you some of his/hers body heat you must NEVER say: ‘Ouch, you are way too hot!’
- The photograph of the face doesn’t say anything about special about the person. Portrait photographers often think that they are great artist, but they very rarely are. The eyes are not the door to the soul, there are at least 1000 better ways to get IN (to the soul)
- Think of songwriting and sexuality. The song should imitate how your sexuality has developed in your 20’s. Where your sexuality in your teens mostly focused on PENETRATION you have in recent times developed a greater interest in the SKIN and the SURFACE. Let this be present in the song. The song doesn’t have to PENETRATE everything, sometimes it just touches the SKIN
- Now imagine the body as a map. Place certain feelings in certain regions, for example: infatuation in the shoulders, anxiety in the stomach, joy in the legs, and so on. Now you can use the body as a navigation tool in the world
- Use your navigation tool in the world: Think of the body in water. How you’re helpless and slow, how you learn to swim and how you’re having fun
- Observe the body, how it is suspended in a slow rocking motion. See how the contour is blurring, how the body is only partially recognizable. Try to sing, but mouth fills with water
- Look up and see the horizon!
- From far away the houses appear to be in flames. Close up you see that it’s true. They are actually on fire
- Popular music should mark the beginning of a new divine era. Or at least try to save someone
- Let some years pass
- Go for a walk in the winter, look at the trees: Think of the trees as persons, friends, parents, lovers
- The trees are having year-long conversations above your head
- Think of popular music and how you can IMPROVE yourself
- The trees are having decade-long conversations below your feet
- Think of popular music and how you can IMPROVE yourself
- The trees were standing up when they were born
- The trees were standing up when they died
- The trees gave birth one morning in May
- The trees looked to the skies and cried
- Offshoots, bloodshed
- Popular music opens up slowly and becomes a flower in your hands
- Popular music walks down the street on stilts and in way too big pants
- Popular music has liver, heart, breath, spindle and glands
- Oops, oops
- You’re lying on a mattress in a small room. The grownups are having a party in the other room
- You’re lying on the pavement, you fell and both your knees are bleeding
- You’re lying on the grass, you lost your breath
- You slept too long and you missed your flight