• Kunst og rock
  • Kunst og rock

    Skammens vogn

    Kunst og rock

    Regular price 200,00 kr
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    This is the 6th studio album from Skammens vogn, an album full of both confidence, vulnerability and humility. Listen here. "In a review of our debut album, it was said somewhere that we were an awkward indie band. Whether that was justified, I should not be able to say. But we are far beyond that…

    This is the 6th studio album from Skammens vogn, an album full of both confidence, vulnerability and humility.

    Listen here.

    "In a review of our debut album, it was said somewhere that we were an awkward indie band. Whether that was justified, I should not be able to say. But we are far beyond that point now. After almost fifteen years, six records and hundreds of concerts, we know well what we can and what we want." says Nikolaj Zeuthen, singer and lyricist in Skammens vogn.

    The trio's ambition is to make themselves available for music: "We are a band that thinks together and reads together. Making yourself available is not something that happens by itself. You have to be humble. And humility requires practice and discipline. It is a job you do not finish, and where it must be accepted that there is both gold and dead ends to be found along the way.".

    Release date
    • Folk
    • Alternative