Album of the month: 4 Guys From The Future - Adagio
Half a decade ago the danish indie rock quartet released their mature, thoroughly composed 2nd album. It's an emotionally rousing listening experience. Bjarke Porsmose’s vocals appears present and heartfelt and the band performs the detailed and imaginative arrangements with a floating musical ease – maybe because they played the songs live on an European tour before they were recorded.
“To me Adagio is about psychological issues like phobia, anger and anxiety and their counterparts like redemption, trust, reconciliation, joy and tranquility - mostly on a musical level as the lyrics stays on an associative level most of the time.” - Bjarke Porsmose, leadsinger and composer in 4 Guys From The Future.
As our "Album of the month" it's on sale for the rest of May for just 8€ for the vinyl and 4€ for the download, available here on or via bandcamp.
Listen to the whole thing via the player below.